Monday, April 25, 2011

{ It's Monday! What are you reading? }

It's Monday! What are you reading is a weekly book meme hosted by Sheila over at BookJourney. This is where participants share what they read last week, what they are currently reading and what is up next. Here is mine:

Finished last week:

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

Currently reading:

Up next:

Heresy by S J Parris

City of Bones/City of Ashes/City of Glass by Cassandra Clare - this will be a re-read so that I can read City of Fallen Angels!!

What are you reading?


  1. I've been tempted by thr Cassandra Clare books as the first 3 are a bargain price at the mo. But too many books, aaargh!

  2. New titles for me. I know I have picked up and put down the Cassandra Clare books more times than I can count.
